Why is bitcoin I sent to memo not deposited?

There are two reasons that a deposit transaction may not appear on Memo:

  1. There is an issue with the sender (the other application)
  2. There is an issue with the receiver (memo)

To determine where the issue is, check to see if the transaction is visible on a block explorer. You can do this by clicking the block explorer link in your profile (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Check the balance on the block explorer (Figure 2) and compare it to the balance on memo. If the balance on the block explorer matches the balance on memo then it is likely issue #1 - an issue with the sending application.

Figure 2

If it is an issue with the sending application then you will need to resolve the issue there. Receiving bitcoin is a passive activity that does not require any action by the receiver. Memo cannot affect another application depositing bitcoin.

Only if your balance on the block explorer does not match your balance on memo then it may be an issue with memo.

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