UnV@ccin8ted Sperm (UnV@ccin8ted Sperm)

Type: Normal
Decimals: 8

tipped 1,776 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 252d
replied 253d
1776 was done by a few
bought 50 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm for 20,000 satoshis (400 each) from 256d
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 256d
sent · 4,200 sats 257d
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 367d
368d · Climate Change
⚠️ Ancient Zombie Viruses in Melting Permafrost could cause New Pandemic, scientists warn...
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 367d
368d · covid-19
Journalist who tried to cancel Novak Djokovic collapses and dies while covering Australian Open
sent 24,690 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to
sent 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to
SLP Token BURNER: Tokens sent to me will be burnt
sent 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 653d
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 697d
replied 697d
the spice must flow!
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 699d
replied 699d
Impressionnant! I may not be tall, but no one stands taller than me in the court of history. Vive la France!
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 699d
replied 699d
Yes, we can build a better future together.
tipped 123 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 902d
Stupid Super Power #2347: You have the ability to negate other people's super powers; you just happened to be born in a universe with no super powered people.
15qLh2ynUPz21mhy 1MEX15
sent 1,493,817 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to
15qLh2ynUPz21mhy 1MEX15
tipped 666 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm · 121,667 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm 1003d
sent · 900 sats 1031d
sent 123,456 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 1014d
listed 3 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm for 300,000,000 satoshis (100,000,000 each) 1110d

sent 12,345 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 1110d
sent 12,345 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 1113d
listed 50 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm for 20,000 satoshis (400 each) SOLD 1144d

sent 50 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 1144d
listed 100 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm for 40,000 satoshis (400 each) 1144d

listed 2,500 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm for 1,000,000 satoshis (400 each) 1144d

sent 2,500 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 1144d
bought 1,000,001 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm for 1,000,001 satoshis (1 each) from
Mohammad 1QDMko
sent 122,333 UnV@ccin8ted Sperm to 1159d