Why is my balance higher than the amount I can send?
29% Reputation is the percentage of people you follow who are following this person minus the percentage of people you follow who are muting this person. For more info visit the FAQ.
Yesterday, there were
33767 txs on BCH chain, 248982 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=13.6%
1513741-1513520=221 memo txs, 📈62.5%(compared w/ prev 136), account for 0.7% of all BCH txs
According to Foresight News, Bitcoin miners mined a total of 4,446 blocks in February, generating a total revenue of $1.39 billion, an increase of $40 million compared to January.
Of this amount, $71 million came from on-chain transaction fees, down from $133 million in January. bitcoin:bc1qyktxj2dxgukerwj6eva6juvapq94axwmpwx6dp?blockchain_uid=bitcoin&amount=9000.000.000 ~~
uvhwuvhw now supports tipping posts with tokens!
stratum+tcp://bitcoin.viabtc.io:3333| stratum+tcp://bitcoin.viabtc.io:25 | worker: giveme15052000bitcoin.001
Mining architecture has evolved through many steps into a rather wasteful design that we should take the time to re-think from first principles. [uvhwuvhw]
cgminer -o stratum+tcp://solo.ckpool.org:3333 -u bc1qjhxqpjeyvfmg9h3e2gy9awp6fkrm57089u865v.0 -p x