Octophobia is a fear of the number eight. Interestingly, there are few other known phobias to specific numbers, except for the fear of numbers themselves (arithmophobia) and the fear of the number 13.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a fear of long words. Ironically, it is also the longest word in the dictionary.
Linonophobia is a fear of string. A person with linonophobia will have an extreme reaction even when just thinking of string, let alone seeing it in person.
Vestiphobia is a fear of clothing. For many people, this manifests as a fear of a specific garment. For others, it might come from a fear of tight-fitting clothing that causes one to feel constrained.
Eisoptrophobia is a fear of mirrors. This phobia is also sometimes referred to as spectrophobia or catoptrophobia. People with this fear are unable to look at themselves in a mirror.
Phobophobia is a fear of phobias. This can be described as free-floating anxiety, where a person spirals into a circle of anxiety due to fearing fear itself.
Globophobia is a fear of balloons. The level of fear varies from person to person and can range from avoiding being near balloons to avoiding places with balloons altogether.
Many people probably wish they had more money, but plutophobia is a fear of money or wealth. People with plutophobia may fear wealthy people or fear becoming wealthy themselves.
Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone. People with nomophobia experience excessive anxiety about not having their phone with them, their battery being low or their phones signal.
Do you have any idea of how much beer I have tonight, no you don't prepare too die scumbags.
Obviously if you do not SHITTY RAP MUSIC, you are a racist
Seriously all black people are fucking retarded and it pisses me off.
Have you seen how retarded ghetto black people are? You will become a white supremacist extremely fast. They want you to be racist..
Does blood make you faint?
Psychologists don't know exactly why up to 15% of us experience the plunge in blood pressure that causes us to faint whenever we see blood.
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