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2024-08-25, there were
11039 txs on BCH chain, 781451 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=1.4%
1890564-1890452=112 memo txs, 📉1.8%(compared w/ prev 114), account for 1.0% of all BCH txs
2024-08-26, there were
12795 txs on BCH chain, 411075 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=3.1%
1890704-1890564=140 memo txs, 📈25.0%(compared w/ prev 112), account for 1.1% of all BCH txs
2024-08-27, there were
12380 txs on BCH chain, 858174 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=1.4%
1890821-1890704=117 memo txs, 📉16.4%(compared w/ prev 140), account for 94.5‱ of all BCH txs
2024-08-28, there were
12378 txs on BCH chain, 670622 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=1.8%
1890939-1890821=118 memo txs, 📈85.5‱(compared w/ prev 117), account for 95.3‱ of all BCH txs
2024-08-29, there were
13565 txs on BCH chain, 476367 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.8%
1891007-1890939=68 memo txs, 📉42.4%(compared w/ prev 118), account for 50.1‱ of all BCH txs
2024-08-30, there were
12896 txs on BCH chain, 586389 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.2%
1891105-1891007=98 memo txs, 📈44.1%(compared w/ prev 68), account for 76.0‱ of all BCH txs
2024-08-31, there were
12158 txs on BCH chain, 704164 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=1.7%
1891189-1891105=84 memo txs, 📉14.3%(compared w/ prev 98), account for 69.1‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-01, there were
11629 txs on BCH chain, 742035 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=1.6%
1891296-1891189=107 memo txs, 📈27.4%(compared w/ prev 84), account for 92.0‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-02, there were
11313 txs on BCH chain, 706362 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=1.6%
1891376-1891296=80 memo txs, 📉25.2%(compared w/ prev 107), account for 70.7‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-03, there were
12792 txs on BCH chain, 586246 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.2%
1891452-1891376=76 memo txs, 📉5.0%(compared w/ prev 80), account for 59.4‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-04, there were
246139 txs on BCH chain, 792962 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=31.0%
1891529-1891452=77 memo txs, 📈1.3%(compared w/ prev 76), account for 3.1‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-05, there were
102004 txs on BCH chain, 603363 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=16.9%
1891605-1891529=76 memo txs, 📉1.3%(compared w/ prev 77), account for 7.5‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-06, there were
22388 txs on BCH chain, 791305 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.8%
1891716-1891605=111 memo txs, 📈46.1%(compared w/ prev 76), account for 49.6‱ of all BCH txs
Need wallet syncing
2024-09-07, there were
30154 txs on BCH chain, 873432 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=3.5%
1891795-1891716=79 memo txs, 📉28.8%(compared w/ prev 111), account for 26.2‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-08, there were
289026 txs on BCH chain, 621606 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=46.5%
1891905-1891795=110 memo txs, 📈39.2%(compared w/ prev 79), account for 3.8‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-09, there were
60945 txs on BCH chain, 612008 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=10.0%
1892027-1891905=122 memo txs, 📈10.9%(compared w/ prev 110), account for 20.0‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-10, there were
13066 txs on BCH chain, 508177 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.6%
1892136-1892027=109 memo txs, 📉10.7%(compared w/ prev 122), account for 83.4‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-11, there were
12628 txs on BCH chain, 504720 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.5%
1892244-1892136=108 memo txs, 📉91.7‱(compared w/ prev 109), account for 85.5‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-12, there were
31936 txs on BCH chain, 499158 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=6.4%
1892370-1892244=126 memo txs, 📈16.7%(compared w/ prev 108), account for 39.5‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-13, there were
12828 txs on BCH chain, 577776 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.2%
1892432-1892370=62 memo txs, 📉50.8%(compared w/ prev 126), account for 48.3‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-14, there were
12090 txs on BCH chain, 611977 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.0%
1892491-1892432=59 memo txs, 📉4.8%(compared w/ prev 62), account for 48.8‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-15, there were
260704 txs on BCH chain, 638573 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=40.8%
1892593-1892491=102 memo txs, 📈72.9%(compared w/ prev 59), account for 3.9‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-16, there were
49413 txs on BCH chain, 517504 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=9.5%
1892702-1892593=109 memo txs, 📈6.9%(compared w/ prev 102), account for 22.1‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-17, there were
12505 txs on BCH chain, 557663 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=2.2%
1892773-1892702=71 memo txs, 📉34.9%(compared w/ prev 109), account for 56.8‱ of all BCH txs
2024-09-18, there were
151970 txs on BCH chain, 446730 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=34.0%
1892861-1892773=88 memo txs, 📈23.9%(compared w/ prev 71), account for 5.8‱ of all BCH txs