I was kicked from a discord server run by american agents (advertising homosexuality) after i have mentioned the existence of Elbrus processors.
HP printer drivers are now coming with a built in virus called HP Wolf Security.
American hard disk brands (Western Digital, Seagate) having 90-95% annual failure rate (!!!!!). Its time to swap to SSD and consider this two manufacturers banned.
Moore Threads reached OpenGL 4.0
Tried pidgin with discord plugin. It segfaults after every message being sent. Its sad to see the quality and stability of this software isn't improved since 2012.
What the hell is wrong with google? 999 from 1000 results are useless SEO trash. I re-started using Yandex after 20 years, and even that gives far more accurate and quality results.
I'm dropping french language support from all of my software due to the arrest of Pavel Durov