GME Stonk to the Moon!
Is the SEC gonna try shutdown down lol?
Seems like half WSB want to squeeze silver, and half want to pump their GME hodlings. With all out disinformation civil war going on.
So if $330 GME caused a 50% Hedgie loss, it might be prudent to consider at which price this lesson would backfire and just hurt normal people who have no money to gamble in stocks.
Apparently Robin Hood has to raise collateral, i guess this is because they support options which use leverage? Does this mean they operate on a fractional reserve?
What we witnessed yesterday with the media giving wall to wall coverage of a false story about SLV is disturbing. Normal people lost money to a hedge firm. Profoundly unethical.
Jasper Jolly, Graeme Wearden and Natasha May of the Guardian attached their name to an article pumping silver for Citadel. Shame! Shame. Congrats on hitting the top of r/all yesterday!
Just so we're clear. It's illegal to have contempt for people who do insider trading on top secret intel about biological threats that end up killing over half a million Americans–and do so openly.
why is it so hard to see replies in is shit ux why is so popular?
It's like Homer Simpson running a nuclear plant!
It's like Monopoly money, in real life!
It's like tearing sheets off a cube of Acid!