The only reason to climb Mt Everest is too detonate a bunch of explosives at the top and flatten it. That way less idiots will die when trying to climb it hopefully.
I think NATO should put lots and lots of troops in Moldova, because putin is an asshole.
War never made sense to me, every time a life is removed from this Earth it just sets us all back further, untold amounts of inventions and art will never be created.
Someone should create a search engine free of fact checkers, mainstream news and 'official sources'
Lowering your contrast and brightness settings can help improve your TV’s lifespan.
Caterpillars in Antarctica freeze every year, and then unfreeze when it warms back up. They probably hold the key to stasis technology and cryogenics.
Someone should tell the corporations that make the phones... We don't want Android or Apple Operating Systems.
Africans shouldn't be working in the American government, especially African women.
The government should just raise the sales tax too 8%, that's what is in some Canadian provinces I am told.
It should be made more difficult for women to get a credit card, unless they can proove they will use the money for investments.
The government should invest 100 billion Dollars into 3D printer research, I believe that is how the aliens manufacture their ships. They can print microscopic layers of any kind
Schools should print out the periodic table and give it too the children and tell them to hang it on the wall.
The USPS could deliver mail at night, it's a lot cooler, less traffic, stress, probably would save fuel and less accidents