This board is for all related material to Freshmint Records and its subsidiaries [Freshmint TV, Freshmint games]
[Thread] - Hi, this is an update from Freshmint Records. We have officially been bought out by Tréssoft co. This was a multimillion crypto deal that took place.
Tréssoft subsidiary Freshmint Records have set up fmPay's Bitcoin cash node. This will be used for our fmPay webwallet that will help along with vendor machine approach.
We're out to hunt incredible talents into the industry. Check Freshmintrecords on twitter
Follow that link to the twitter page
I, Syndrome, have officially stepped down as CEO. I will now resume as CTO of Tréssoft. CEO will now be positioned for James to execute as. Please welcome James, everybody.
Freshmint records has now transformed to an open music service. Musicians are encouraged to create an account, post music, and collect 100% on sales royalties.