Might as well be the first one to open up a topic about this.
It's only a matter of time at this point. The country will riot before the elections are here and Trump will use that as an excuse to call for a state of emergency
After which he will give himself and his cronies all supreme power. Then we wait and see what the police and army will do.
best case scenario is police supporting trump and army attacking the police.
Worse case scenario is the entire breakdown of the USA till the point that MAD also breaks down.
If the USA becomes not capable anymore of firing nukes at countries that fire nukes at it.
The moment this is reality, I believe the nukes might come.
But it's possible that the end result of this will be such an entire rapid break down of the USA
That there is no reason to nuke it anymore.
Next to that, Russia and China has huuuuuuge problems when the dollar breaks down because the USA is no longer organized.
So who is the winner here? I don't see one. I just see lose lose lose scenarios.
Interesting, Can you imagine? All that guns that citizens have in the US, Damn, a total disaster
Hm, such complicated theories, they are pushed all the time, and still I cannot remember the last time one of them was remotely close to accurate.
If you think that the intellectually vacant american population will meaningfully revolt then I have a pretty cool inter-dimensional bridge to sell you. I accept BCH.
The middleclass is shrinking and the poorest class is growing and eventually this will lead to civil war. It always does.
I was a bit early with my predictions, but they will still come true.