Topic - 2019 Bank Bailout

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I have not researched this at all, but it sounds real serious, and a good reason to stick to Bitcoin or precious metals.
Nobody interested in bank bailouts? I thought a decent percentage of bitcoin hodlers were in the space because of such things

Bailouts are already occurring, socialism is only widely accepted in the US when it's for lobbyist-driven initiatives or media whores buying votes
I don't believe in making this into a partisan issue. I think if the slave-owners of the american people wore blue hats instead of red, they would do virtually exactly the same thing
In fact, I think it is super dangerous that people direct their anger over things like this into "we got to get this other slave owner into office". Nothing good will come from that
Even back in roman times it was well known to rulers that the "divide and conquer" method of ruling was very effective. Dividing people between socialism/capitalism or red/blue both work
Another video by the same dude

Pitch down,
roll left,
and call it a night Mr. Banks
It is time for p2p currency
About "time for p2p currency", I totally agree from a "better money system" standpoint. But Joe Sixpack does not seem to understand/care about this issue, or embrace p2p currency
I mean if the masses instead want more virtue signaling and PC culture, you can't force it on them, you could even argue that it is not right until they understand (which they won't soon)