How much of your net worth have you invested into cryptocurrencies/BCH? What is your rationale for the proportion you have allocated? Do you systematic approach to this?
Personally, I currently have a target of having min. 5% of my assets in BCH. If below this limit I accumulate monthly. If between 5-10% I spend and replace. Above 10% I just spend.
That seems like a good strategy. I think it's always smart to diversify.
Huge part of it! I think with more polished products that integrate Bitcoin Cash, as well as some large retail adoption. Those people around you will be quick to come around. Utility first!
My saturday looked like coffee over catching up on emails. A stop at the gym. Lunch with my wife. Wandering Shibuya in the rain. Found a new shirt. Ice coffee. And wandering back home to study.
@lugaxker describe this burger - what kinda toppings we dealing with? As someone who's been avoiding Burgs I need to live vicariously. On chain. I need oz, sauce, toppings. Please dish. 🍔
Goddamn.gif that sounds amazing.
Home made mayonnaise is the best. Have you gone down the home made hollandaise rabbit hole? Next level!
One of my most frequently used keyboard shortcuts - Ctrl + Shift + T - reopens the last closed tab on most browsers. Can be used multiple times