tipped 42 MIST 1586d
buy Spice buy spice buy spice buy spice
tipped 42 MIST 1586d

tipped 42 MIST 1586d
replied 1586d
To be perfectly clear:
I object to none of the videos.
What I see is a perfect Left-to-Right (European-semantic)
incitation from sex to violence to trigger.
Awesome effort
tipped 30 MIST 1586d
1587d · memo
Yesterday, there were
16161 txs on BCH chain, 343763 txs on BTC. BCH dominance=BCH/BTC=4.7%
1027226-1025631=1595 memo txs, 📉25.2% (compared w/ prev 2133), account for 9.9% of all BCH tx
tipped 42 MIST 1586d
Facebook and Twitter keep agenda-pushing social justice, climate change, and voting drives on me. Parler keeps pushing Trump stuff. What if I want to make up my own mind on the content I want to see? 🤔🤷‍♂️
tipped 30 MIST 1586d
replied 1586d
You are a lucky man! :D
tipped 30 MIST 1586d
tipped 42 MIST 1586d
Hey guys what is up? I'm still trying to figure out how memocash works
tipped 42 MIST 1586d
Whatever you think about the defector's credibility, social media policing truth is a bad precedent that has sent away droves.
tipped 30 MIST 1586d
replied 1586d
Funded :)
Thank you all for the trust and support. I'll be sharing all the good news
tipped 30 MIST 1586d
replied 1586d
Nah. Failure is a gift.
tipped 12 MIST 1587d
tipped 30 MIST 1587d
Marx probably did know. That's why he never could do it. Entrepreneurs are goddamn heroes, and anyone who disrespects them doesn't know what it takes.
tipped 30 MIST 1587d
tipped 30 MIST 1587d
the Brazilian Pantanal is on fire a lot of animals dying and nobody does anything 😢
tipped 30 MIST 1587d
tipped 300 MIST 1587d
replied 1587d
Im fine sir uther . Can i get some token hehe .
tipped 42 MIST 1588d
replied 1588d
Memo is my friend every day

Memo is very Helpful for me

tipped 42 MIST 1588d
1588d · memo
Memo users accounted for over 50% of SLP activity in the last 24 hours. 850 of 1500 total txs.
tipped 42 MIST 1588d
replied 1593d
That is bizzare. It makes me sad
tipped 42 MIST 1588d
replied 1593d
i legitimately love this story, i named my cat diogenes
tipped 42 MIST 1589d
1589d · memo
Yesterday, there were
17208 txs on BCH chain, 294555 txs on BTC. BCH dominance=BCH/BTC=5.8%
1023498-1021456=2042 memo txs, 📈5.0% (compared w/ prev 1944), account for 11.9% of all BCH tx
tipped 30 MIST 1589d
I love rain
tipped 42 MIST 1589d
My Twitter account was briefly suspended because of a single tweet TWO YEARS AGO letting people know they could go to a bar to watch a UFC fight and pay with crypto through Bitrefill. Decentralized social media now!
tipped 30 MIST 1589d
Do you think all the looting and rioting will cause the people to take a hard second look at how the authorities fail at pubic safety? I think so.