Barack W Trump Birth Certificates (Barack W Trump Birth Certificates)

Type: Normal
Decimals: 2

listed 2 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 300,000 satoshis (150,000 each) CANCELLED 1911d

sent 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
listed 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 150,000 satoshis CANCELLED 1911d

sent 250,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
sent 500,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
sent 26,899,676 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
sent 8,563 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
sent 3,567,356 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
sent 100,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
sent 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
listed 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 200,000 satoshis CANCELLED 1911d

sent 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1911d
listed 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 28,654 satoshis CANCELLED 1911d

tipped 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates 1912d
sent 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to
sent 1 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to
sent 10 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to
bought 150,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 150,000 satoshis (1 each) from 1918d
sent 150,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1918d
listed 150,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 150,000 satoshis (1 each) SOLD 1918d

sent 250,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1918d
listed 250,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 250,000 satoshis (1 each) CANCELLED 1918d

sent 500,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1918d
listed 500,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates for 500,000 satoshis (1 each) CANCELLED 1918d

sent 1,000 Barack W Trump Birth Certificates to 1921d