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Document: flying.dollar

tipped 5 💸 304d
replied 304d
tipped 5 💸 348d
I've got 12 token, but i want more as long as it's free,. Haha,.

Can you donate some of your token that are not in my list,. Please,.
Thank you,.
tipped 1,000,000 💸 384d
Giveaway for 400 Barrio Bitcoin tokens - Round 10 The first 20 users to comment #BarrioBitcoin win 20 Barrio Bitcoin tokens. You must follow the topic and like this post #BarrioBitcoin #BCH
tipped 100,000 💸 535d
replied 535d
Thanks sis, nag cocollect talaga ako nyan, ahahaha, mwah
tipped 1,000,000 💸 555d

I am done participating in active cashrain. I hope this time I could win one of the jackpot prize there. Wish me luck guys hehe.
tipped 100,000 💸 582d
BCH is a simple, fast, efficient, stable, popular and decentralized coin that represents the future of people and the economy
tipped 1,000,000 💸 687d
SLP Token BURNER: Tokens sent to me will be burnt
replied 716d
SLP Token BURNER: Tokens sent to me will be burnt
🔥Burning🔥'💩', 'CORE', '🍻🍺🥃' & '$TSLA'🔥
tipped 1,000,000 💸 705d
709d · memo
Memo open source desktop update:
tipped 1,000,000 💸 741d
The number of Polygon NFT transactions in January exceeded Ethereum's.
tipped 1,000,000 💸 1225d
replied 1226d
This small scale one, is cleaning the air above this highway.
tipped 11 💸 1301d
tipped 10,000,000 💸 1385d
1419d · Bring Trump Here?
They only things tey can sensor here are images & videos. That's what's so great about memo! DA... !!
tipped 70,000 💸 1426d
1428d · PTT DigiCurrency
tipped 10,000 💸 1433d
1436d · PTT DigiCurrency
後來往前翻了一下,原來是這裡比較早有,後才有Noise.cash的PTT DigiCurrency。
tipped 1,000 💸 1436d
1437d · PTT DigiCurrency
噢噢! PTT DigiCurrency也在這裡出現!
tipped 1,000,000,000,000 💸 1473d
1493d · Memo flooded
As far as I know, there is no memo policy that that says that you cannot do what he does, and I am not even sure I want it to stop, all I seek is a conversation about the issue.
tipped 10,000,000 💸 1473d
1493d · Memo flooded
The basic topic is "is memo being unnecessarily flooded, and how much of a problem is it?". In particular, user BitcoinNational, while posting many very interesting things, also floods memo.
tipped 100,000,000 💸 1478d
1479d · Wallstreetbets
GME Stonk to the Moon!
Is the SEC gonna try shutdown memo.cash down lol?
tipped 100,000,000 💸 1483d
1484d · Bitcoin Cash
tipped 100,000,000 💸 1501d
replied 1501d
tipped 1,000,000 💸 1511d
1515d · Linux

For all of whoever else observed this in action and wondered what the next punchline would be....
Stolen from: https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/users-lightbulb.html
tipped 100,000 💸 1511d
1512d · Linux
tipped 1,000,000 💸 1511d
1512d · memo
Yesterday, there were
32532 txs on BCH chain, 261756 txs on BTC. BCH dominance=BCH/BTC=12.4%
1181745-1180539=1206 memo txs, 📈12.8% (compared w/ prev 1069), account for 3.7% of all BCH tx
tipped 700,000 💸 1673d
1673d · PTT DigiCurrency
另外偷偷跟大家講一下,CashBay正式上線(暫定8/1)後會BayCash代幣,目標是上 https://cryptophyl.com/ 交易所,剛開始會都用獎勵發放,可以注意一下。
tipped 100,000,000 💸 1678d
replied 1678d
Sir uther help me please . For buying meal today even small amount