Yesterday, there were 94694 txs on BCH chain, 231751 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=40.9% 1343288-1342359=929 memo txs, 📈33.5% (compared w/ prev 696), account for 1.0% of all BCH txs
The world is lucky to have the mRNA vaccines that were developed at great speed, with great efficacy and safety. The mass production and distribution efforts have been great.
Yesterday, there were 83982 txs on BCH chain, 192234 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=43.7% 1327242-1326799=443 memo txs, 📈23.7% (compared w/ prev 358), account for 0.5% of all BCH txs
Credits will do fine - Star Wars edit
•Oct 2, 2020
That businessman was obviously just looking out for himself, then an asshole Jedi came along and used mindtricks on him to further his own goals. The goal does not justify the means.
Yesterday, there were 74230 txs on BCH chain, 231551 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=32.1% 1324776-1323921=855 memo txs, 📈68.0% (compared w/ prev 509), account for 1.2% of all BCH txs
Yesterday, there were 105160 txs on BCH chain, 227535 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=46.2% 1321995-1321471=524 memo txs, 📉15.1% (compared w/ prev 617), account for 0.5% of all BCH txs
Yesterday, there were 108872 txs on BCH chain, 242486 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=44.9% 1318139-1317595=544 memo txs, 📉7.6% (compared w/ prev 589), account for 0.5% of all BCH txs
The main use case of Bitcoin Cash is cash, money. This WILL be a major thing in the years to come, with war on physical cash, economic restrictions, surveillance (KYC), etc. Do not stray from this goal.