Supporting RAFFLE token even it was already down a while but because #slay3r inform us there is a coming spike again thats why it is better to invest and support token
I forgot to share, I already received the reward from Bchad. It's from the game we played last time. Thanks to #slay3r since you help me relay my zapit username to Bchad on twitter!
I want to make sure long time affiliates have a chance to get in early. I haven't even started buying it yet!! Spread the word!!! New tip bots will use raffle, points, bch giveaways!!
One of the generous tipster #slay3r doing tremendous job to spread his bch to us, i decided to check his balance and whole bch,im so impressed with the he shared to us
Happy Friday Memo. Good morning everyone. Let's start our day right. Thank you #slay3r for the continuous tips to us. Let's spread the word of BCH and support BCH.
Early morning to all... Just happened to woke up and check my phone.... Then a notifs pop up. Thank you #Toshi and #Slay3r for the early blessings. I appreciate it always🤗
Since i read some post here in points and raffle tokens, i did not hesistate to buy those token in cauldron. Lets wait for the pump up thanks to @slay3r #slay3r informed us.