You can get #shitversion cheaper when the two criminal frauds who mine it give up because they're broke and/or in jail. Can't solve that stumbling block. #faketoshi will be in jail soon.
#faketoshi followers and #shitversion shills can only cry about people pointing out the truth of their fraudulent fail fork and it's criminal leader. He's going to jail soon and your chain dies.
The site doesn't even talk about the massive fraud that Craig is. They have zero discussion about reality. What a fucking joke they are. No hiding from reality. #faketoshi#shitversion
#shitversion bots who are creaming themselves over a meaningless government document are exactly the kind of people Bitcoin was designed to fight against. #faketoshi can't produce real proof.
Don't keep trying to weed thru the #CultOfCraig Web of Lies. Maybe it's truth, Craig meant this (insert covering for him). Get out of #shitversion before bags are shit.
Nobody but fools and paid shills use #shitversion. The #faketoshi fraudulent fail fork will die soon. The two criminals who mine it will be in jail and go broke soon. It is a dead & dying chain.
#shitversion has no future. It's mined by two criminal frauds. One is #faketoshi who is going to jail soon and will lose all the money he has therefore all the mining. The other will quit soon.
The #faketoshi fraudulent fail fork is a ridiculous clown show. Get out of #shitversion now before they #delistbsv and you lose all your money. There is no reason to use the criminal dying chain