Yep, but keep in mind the scientists are not politicizing it, they are just doing their job. It's the Politicians that are politicizing it..
Wow.... Did you even listen to the video? Are you so brainwashed by propaganda that you believe the ppl paying them don't effect their outcomes? They CHANGED the #s in data! FRAUD
Good evening everyone. Just want to say for everyone to take care and keep safe from this COVID-19 we are all experiencing from different parts of the world. Dont panic. be aware and listen.God be with us all.
#s for USA flu-- 180,000 cases vs 10,000 deaths #s for USA coronavirus-- 2,340 vs 51 deaths
180,000 divided by 10,000 =18 2,340 divided by 51 =45.8
It saves time, testing supplies, and most importantly. The wealthy news owners love it. It fits their agendas perfectly. Some agendas t obvious, others I prefer not even know about...
And the media is guilty of leading the people to believe that their reported #s are actual #s of deaths. All countries record deaths differently. Some inefficient, or even lie.
No. You *CAN* have both parties to commit a hash of a value @ a funding address, later combining these values w/ MOD(A+B) to get a psuedo-random value (see chainbet protocol).
Also, a Oracle that generates random #s (signed w/ combination of the random number and some nonce included in the Smart Contract) would work.
Rendering 'memo id' as colorized text to be recognizeable-at-a-glance.
The intent is to colorize the legacy address to reduce the "forgettably boring".
"Colorized Fonts" fail.
CDC admitted in an article they put out-only 6% 'Covid deaths' reported were actually Covid. They admittedly 'goofed' Media ignored it COMPLETELY. Kept reporting inaccurate #s
I am pretty sure the idiots at the phone companies can just look up the phone numbers that are calling everyone thousands of times and then turn them off.
At a certain point they would but I think they get like several chances. Plus the companies have ways around that if they did with fake #s.
Be aware that covidiot antivaxers have no credible sources and want to mislead you into dying so that they can own the libs. They have no knowledge or expertise and twist numbers to tell lies.
Tuns out ALL of the deaths of kids that the CDC reported as of a few months ago had severely comprised immune systems. Now WHO's twisting #s and misleading?....
Apparently nurses & doctors saying different #s for %s of Covid deaths that are vaccinated. We've been told there's a slight advantage for vax. Medical staff says about 80% deaths they saw were vaxxed.
Great example of a covidiot video. It really doesn't matter what the headlines say, especially for opinion pieces.
The fact is the vaccine is effective.
Unless you go by the #s the W.H.O. puts out (fudged data) REAL data collected worldwide shows otherwise & the media & the W.H.O. are lying for their new dictators....
Africa asked Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.... "Stop sending in your vaccines. People simply aren't interested in taking them." BTW Africa has less Covid casualties BY FAR w lowest vax #s!
They finally had to admit the supposed hospitalization numbers were people that were in hospitals for other reasons that tested positive
+ ppl stupid w fear via positive home test
No story needed or article needed just look at the publicly recorded #s from around the world