#realbitcoinclub     ← All Tags

Is it in any way possible to avoid mining centralization in any PoW algorithm? Do we need an identity based mining algorithm to achieve a more widespread distribution and participation? @Dashpay #realbitcoinclub
OMG! Watch this new & super mega special desktop design for #BMAP


#realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap #coinector
I invited 150 users & 40 merchants to #DASHTEXT during the past three months in #Venezuela / I know that 10-30% of them invited family members & friends -> Our collaborative efforts matter #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
replied 1928d
The #bitcoin noob who had never used any wallet ever before successfully went to the supermarket #TRAKI, made the #DASH payment & returned with food! #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
replied 1920d
Richard knife
My father started surfing with a 14K modem using text based browsers on the famous OS2 operating system that inspired Apple and was more stable than Windows 3.11 #realbitcoinclub
replied 1966d
Register yourself with http://dashtext.io & comment your phone number here! I will send you your first #DASH if you do not already own some! #DASHTEXT #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
#bitcoin & friends episode 3 is out since yesterday:
#realbitcoinclub #comic #fun #bch #btc #eth #ltc #ethereum #litecoin #vitalikbuterin #bitcoincash #dash #cryptocurrency
How nice it would be, if @coinmarketcap would also display the values in YUAN and Gold, thats the way to disrupt Tether :D #bitcoin #tether #coinmarketcap #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap #bmap #trbc #coinector
That's it! Onboarding is so easy once you get into it! It's like hooking up girls! At the beginning take it like a learning experience & be happy if you get 1 out of 10 of your favourites! #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
The coldest spot to spend #bitcoin is in Bergen, Noruega! #bitcoinmap #realbitcoinclub https://bitcoinmap.cash/img/app/chaoscoffeebar.gif - Chaos Coffee Bar / Kafé Chaos
Dash Review: Still Worth It in 2019??
#DASH #bitcoin #BCH #BTC #ETH #Ethereum #VitalikButerin #DashNews #dashpay #cryptocurrency #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
I find the aggressive noise of cars & motorcycles so annoying but I totally enjoy the high pitched music of the #mining equipment it's actually relaxing & peaceful to me #bolicash #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
replied 1978d
My favourite exchange is http://coinex.com they were the first to have a #bch base pair and their UI is beautifully designed, the UX is actually user focused #bitcoin #realbitcoinclub
#rogerkver is a fraud, I just unsubscribed from the #bitcoincom YouTube channel as it supports #censorship to spread only their own agenda instead of general #BCH adoption #dailymemo #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
2006d · Highest impact projects
I-M-A-G-I-N-E there's no fake money! I-M-A-G-I-N-E there is no inflation! You may say I'm a #SatoshiNakamoto, but I'm not the only one! https://bitcoinmap.cash/teaser #realbitcoinclub
Released a new version with 500+ new merchant images: http://bitcoinmap.cash/localbitcoinmap & http://bitcoinmap.cash/coinector Lets pray to the gods of Google that they wont reject that update again! #realbitcoinclub
This is #Venezuela: Everything is possible here. Little law enforcement, a very free country which is much less regulated than the European countries I lived in. Come to check it out yourself! #realbitcoinclub
All the fake national political crisis are being created artificially to cover up the real international banking crisis. An international fake economy inflated by fake money that is really imploding #realbitcoinclub
#Venezuela is the place to be where the #bitcoin #cryptocurrency revolution will take place... Simply because mining is affordable to anyone and that is the true spirit of #SatoshiNakamoto #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
replied 1967d
Unsubscribing from r/bitcoin is the first step to enlightment! #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
I just returned to #Caracas #Venezuela and it is raining so we are hiding in a fruit store. Luckily the owner is open minded, so I bought 2kg of 🍌 and paid with #DASHTEXT at 12000 VES. #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
Even if #BTC with custodial wallets work well, #DASH & #BCH with non custodial wallets work even better. But the issue is that we do not control the mainstream media & this is how the matrix works. #realbitcoinclub