How to get a Dance and Music token membership: 10K Donatello SLP tokens for #Diamond - 8K tokens for #Platinum - 5K tokens for #Gold. Of course, you can get a membership in the token shop..
Donatello token memberships are being discontinued and this will lead to the end of the associated membership benefits. Existing #Diamond and #Platinum membership holders... Read more...
Since Donatello token memberships are no longer available and I would like to make the "I like events" even more popular than it's already, the old prices of Donatello token memberships...
... apply. It means that you will need 100K Donatello tokens for a #Diamond membership, 10K tokens for a #Platinum, 1K tokens for a #Gold and 100 tokens for a #Silver.
I like tokens - Round 118 - Leave a comment along with #PDTM, #GDTM, #SDTM, #BDTM or #noDTM. Platinum membership holders, please share your token address from Cauldron. Closing date...
I like tokens - Special edition - Good morning! Leave a comment along with your Donatello token membership level and you will receive some Satoshis as a tip. #Donatellotokens #tokens
#Diamond will receive 15K Satoshis #Platinum will receive 10K Satoshis #Gold will receive 5K Satoshis #Silver will receive 3K Satoshis #Bronze (Basic) will receive 2K Satoshis
My initial mistake with Donatello tokens was that users didn't buy any membership, they just bought Donatello tokens. With this new system they will be able to buy the proper...
... Membership. #Diamond, 10K Donatello SLP tokens. #Platinum, 8K tokens. #Gold, 5K tokens. You can follow the instructions in the original post above.