#memo could add plugins, so that UX/UI designers could build their own UX/UI based on memo.cash components. Then UX/UI designers can sell the plugins to the users which choose their UX/UI #trbc #bmap
Imagine if memo.cash #memo would still be open source, then anyone could implement that easily & fast. That is the advantage of #opensource! Evolve faster by collaboration.
How to fund #opensource#bitcoin development is a hard problem to solve. I enjoyed some of the remarks on this thread, and added my own. My handle is trout-bch.
The mother of #bitcoin is #opensource software combined with #cryptography which delivers immense value in itself once the psychological barriers of the egoistic fascist cultural programming have been overcome...
I wanted to help someone in #Venezuela. I'm tutoring a novice #JavaScript developer as he writes #opensource software. We don't have to consider what governments or banks think about it