"I have forked @cashonize and ported it to #Monero blockchain. It will be the wallet for the soon to come #BCH-#XMR atomic swaps app: https://monujo.cash" - @mainnet_pat
Does anyone have a connection with a Monero developer I could interview about privacy in general as well as Ciphertrace? I've been trying with no luck. #XMR#monero
I used to own Monero along with the other privacy coins, but I sold it all due to their toxic behavior. Monero is actually the weakest of privacy coins anyway tho so no worries.
Fluffy Pony (Spokesperson of Monero) lost all his credibility when he started spitting on #BCH and posing on photos with Greg "Judas" Maxwell. #Monero was created for illegal botnets.
#Monero#XMR “I can confirm that the malicious binary is stealing coins. Roughly 9 hours after I ran the binary a single transaction drained the wallet. I downloaded the build yesterday around 6pm Pacific time.”
Bitcoin is not a brand it is a philosophy! So far #dash #dashcrypto #dashpay has implemented that philosophy in the most accurate way. Even without massive propaganda DASH dominates.
What do you think about #PIVX#MONERO ? where did they fail in the bitcoin philosophy[hy