Listening is a vital skill to master because it improves the quality of conversations. When we know how to listen, we are patient and avoid jumping to conclusions. #MondayMemo
If you cannot decide which distribution to install, make a live USB and try a few you find suitable. If desired, you can enable persistence so you can store files as you usually would. #MondayMemo
Cherish all the good memories in your life, however few there may be. Nostalgia can be a refreshing source of happiness, and one that never grows old over time. #MondayMemo
If you have a busy life, a schedule is strongly recommended if you wish to spend your day efficiently. Calendar applications can aid in creating one. #MondayMemo
Learn to master time management. This is especially important when it comes to studying, because doing so can improve your grades while minimizing your stress levels. #MondayMemo
Portability is a virtue in programming. Generally a portable program will be far more resilient and capable of standing the test of time than one which is designed with only one platform in mind. #MondayMemo
If there is anything yesterday's earthquake in Zagreb has taught me, it's that you should be prepared for disaster even in the midst of another disaster. #MondayMemo
I have been improving my communication skills in the past few months greatly by talking to others whenever the opportunity arises, and I recommend others do the same if socialization is not their forte. #MondayMemo
Probably not directly related to Linux, but I have been learning about SSH so I can set it up on my Raspberry Pi and consequently make my workspace more organized. #MondayMemo
One thing that has helped me overcome procrastination is setting clear deadlines. Procrastination easily occurs without an actual plan, and that includes a timeframe. #MondayMemo
I have just recently discovered a new application called OBS Studio. It can be used either for video recording or live streaming; if you record screencasts, you should consider trying it! #MondayMemo
Money is one of those things in life no one seems to appreciate until they find themselves in need of it. Such an attitude leads to poverty, regardless of wealth. #MondayMemo
Not giving up applies especially if you have a good idea, such as for a project. If you give up, someone else will capitalize on your idea and succeed. #MondayMemo
If you deal with audio on Linux, one handy tool you should consider is Audacity. Audacity is a powerful yet elegant audio editor with numerous plugins to assist in enhancing audio. #MondayMemo
Teach those who are willing to learn. There is no point in teaching those who do not even care to listen, as it will cost you time and nerves while yielding nothing. #MondayMemo
Spring is the best time to do some cleaning, especially if you are stuck at home. It can be a tedious task at times, but it usually ends up being oddly refreshing. #MondayMemo
It's good to take a break from social media every now and then. One can get so carried away focusing on others' lives and problems that they overlook their own. #MondayMemo
When photographing events and dynamic subjects in general, do not concern yourself too much with technical parameters or you may miss a good shot. #MondayMemo
When composing photographs, a good rule to follow is the rule of thirds. Composition can be improved by drawing focus to subjects where two grid lines interact. #MondayMemo
Experiment with the block size when using dd. A well-chosen block size will significantly improve copy speeds and save you time, especially if you have a batch of disks to work with. #MondayMemo
Before wiping a disk, make sure to check thoroughly for any important files you might want to save. There is nothing worse than suddenly remembering you forgot a file in the middle of wiping. #MondayMemo
Challenge yourself whenever you can. Not only does this relieve boredom, but it also encourages creativity and gives one a greater sense of achievement. #MondayMemo
Know your audience when writing software documentation. When in doubt, it helps to include a glossary and explain concepts which may be unfamiliar to users. #MondayMemo