Last week I tested positive for COVID-19, having experienced mild symptoms and been in close contact with other infected people. I guess it was only a matter of time before I fell ill. #MondayMemo
Just the other day I walked to university and back. It made me wonder, why was I taking public transportation before? An hour's walk would have helped me study better at home, not to mention save money. #MondayMemo
I am back! I cannot believe it has been almost a month since I last posted on here. I have been so focused on learning how to live alone that I haven't been paying attention to current events in the world. #MondayMemo
Avoid taking out mortgages and using credit cards when possible. You might feel free at first, but when the bills come pouring in, you'll realize you aren't free. #MondayMemo
To extend the useful lifespan of your computer, consider installing a lightweight Linux distribution. If you still need Windows occasionally, make a dual-boot setup. #MondayMemo
Guvcview is the best webcam application for Linux I have encountered so far. It is no-frills, but it does the job well and allows for more customization than Cheese and Kamoso. #MondayMemo
This year is coming to a close, so I'd like to end it by wishing you all a Happy New Year. Thank you for supporting my Monday Memos throughout the year and renewing my interest in Memo. #MondayMemo
It surprises me how easy it is to prepare food once you start doing so. So far I am doing well with pasta and rice, but I am still quite the novice when it comes to dishes such as stews. #MondayMemo
LibreOffice is the most popular and arguably the best open-source alternative to Microsoft Office. The average user will encounter little, if any trouble creating and sharing content. #MondayMemo
I find that programming is best learned through a hands-on approach. Understanding and formulating algorithms are skills that are refined by implementing them, and that means writing numerous programs. #MondayMemo
Having had a conversation about sports today, I conceded that I have been neglecting physical activity recently because of academic duties. I really ought to be training my body as much I train my mind! #MondayMemo
I chose to study computer science, so people ask me to reset their email accounts. If I had chosen finance instead, people would be asking me to reset their bank accounts. #MondayMemo
Sometimes people will insult you out of the blue. When this happens, do not return the insult and do not feel guilty; the same could have happened to someone else. #MondayMemo
After postponing the act for a long time, I have finally decided to download and try out Tails. It was satisfying to see how security is prioritized all the way from startup to shutdown. #MondayMemo
Learn to control your emotions, especially if they are negative. Negative emotions have the potential to wreak havoc on you and others around you if left unchecked. #MondayMemo
When possible, confront problems instead of avoiding them, even if they seem trivial. Trivial problems can easily become significant ones if you allow them. #MondayMemo
Choose your friends wisely, for bad company can be worse than no company at all. Mutual respect is necessary for friendship, otherwise it cannot last. #MondayMemo
Think twice before you do something. It's easier said than done, but learning this skill will help you avoid having past actions haunt you in the future. #MondayMemo
Get as much sleep as you can. When confronted with a problem, a good night's sleep can yield far better results than racking brains, hence the saying "Sleep on it". #MondayMemo
Reduce stress when possible. This is especially important because your immune system weakens if it is exposed to stress over prolonged periods of time. #MondayMemo
If you are looking for a simple utility to monitor network traffic, I recommend vnStat. It is handy if you have a limited data plan and wish to record data usage for future reference. #MondayMemo
I was feeling nostalgic last week, so I acquired a copy of Slackware 7.1 and installed it on a virtual machine. It surprises me how far ahead KDE was of GNOME even in its first series. #MondayMemo
Listening is a vital skill to master because it improves the quality of conversations. When we know how to listen, we are patient and avoid jumping to conclusions. #MondayMemo