Howdy #memozens? Been away for a while, I thought I already lost my account for good. Nice to find my way back in here again. Wish y'all have an awesome day. ;-) ❤
Howdy, #memozens. It's a hot afternoon here. Filling up paid online survey atm. Is it safe to disclose personal info on these surveys? What's your experience? #onlinesurveys
What's up, #memozens? Everybody seems busy and excited for the first day of classes. Our two students were already gone to school when I woke up. Just had my breakfast and now ready to mingle. Good morning. 🌞
PEACE. That's the message I got today. It cannot be earned through my mortal ways. It is a gift from the Divine to those who humbly ask for it. Have a peaceful Wednesday, #memozens.
Thank you, #memozens for being part of my day. Your presence are greatly appreciated. It's time to say good night/day with anticipation to be with you for another day, again. 😇 #memo
Great morning #memozens! It's feels good always to rise early. I was greeted by cheerful chirping of birds, answered the call of nature, preparing to thaw some sausages for breakfast. And checking for news.
Good morning #memozens. The first day of September has slipped away without much ado. Here's hoping to make beautiful memories with #memo together to remember. Cheer up, guys. Ho ho ho. 🎅
What's up, #memozens? Been a busy hot day in here. Now preparing something especial. Btw, I'm glad that Angie just made it to join us here @ #memo. 👇
How's your Monday, #memozens? On my end, just finished my morning affairs. And now am ready to mingle. Need to do some backreading somehow because I wasn't around yesterday. Y'all enjoy the rest of the day. 🙂
It's time to #rest my dear #memozens. I'm now listening to Nature's Lullabye to #relax myself. It' has been a good day with you. Thank you and good night, everyone. Until tomorrow. 😘
Acknowledge your successes today no matter how small they were and plan for a better tomorrow with renewed might focused on your goal. Good night/day #memozens. Thank you all! 😘
It's good to have a complete hours of night sleep. My headache is gone. Feel refreshed to start anew. It's gloomy outside yet, still a beautiful day. Happy Sunday, #memozens. Enjoy a blessed day ahead. :) #memo_Sunday
Howdy, #memozens? I guess I missed a lot of things since my absence yesterday. Well, I'll make it up with you, promise. Enjoy a bright and a blessed Sunday. Now, off to the kitchen.
It will be a hot day, especially here at #memo. Enjoy your Monday holiday. Let beautiful things happen to you today. Happy #memo_ing, everyone. Good morning #memozens. 🌞
Still lying on my bed. I hear some birds singing their melodies. It's somber outside. I hope it will rain. In a little while I must get up. Good morning beautiful #memozens. 🙂
Breakfast with boiled #eggs. ICYMI accdg to USDA, an egg contains protein that is equivalent to the protein in one ounce of meat, chicken or fish. Enjoy an exciting weekend, #memozens.
I wonder if #ants do sleep at all? Yes, according to study they do 250 powerful naps each day, constituting ~4 hrs of sleep. How's you Friday, #memozens? Weekend is waving.
It's been a busy day but a fruitful one. Thank you everyone for this wonderful day with you #memozens. Peaceful sleep for those who retire and renewed strength for all who work. 🙏