Looking for a junior #JavaScript developer to write #BitcoinCash apps. $10 per hour. You will be mentored. Targeting Argentina, Venezuela, and Brazil. Send me code your CV & code.
I wanted to help someone in #Venezuela. I'm tutoring a novice #JavaScript developer as he writes #opensource software. We don't have to consider what governments or banks think about it
This #javascript npm library allows your apps to easily add #BitcoinCash and #SLP token functionality. Create an HD wallet. Send and receive #BCH or tokens. #buidl
Alpha release of bch-cli-wallet with SLP token support available. This is a #javascript wallet for #bitcoincash. Devs are encouraged to play with it. No npm. Git only.
This video discusses #JavaScript design patterns and testing best-practices that I follow. I created it to communicate these ideas with the people I work with.
Any other #javascript#developers out there that have tried both JavaScript and #typescript and end up preferring JavaScript? Why? Why not? Are your experiences similar to mine?
Checkout our #JavaScript @GatsbyJS starter for quickly creating your own #BitcoinCash business applications. Customize on top of the basic wallet functions, including SLP tokens and NFTs!
New feature: http://onion.live users with #Javascript enabled are now able to view realtime updates for mirrors via #websockets without reloading the page All mirrors are checked every 10-30 seconds.