Interesting event: Buy some Donatello tokens on . Come back here, leave a comment...
I also bought you some Dance And Music tokens on Mintme with BNB
Interesting event: Buy some Donatello tokens on . Come back here, leave a comment...
In the last seven days, I have given away 138% more Satoshis in tips than I received. Unfortunately, I must stop the Dance and music show on this platform. You will find it at
300,000 Satoshis giveaway - Fun dance and music event - Round 36
The first 12 users, who share a dance or music video, will receive 25,000 Satoshis each.
Please like this post!
Dear dance and music lovers
Round 36 is over. Please wait for the next round! Thank you for being active!
Swap D Club SLP Tokens for D Club Tokens on Mintme! 🔄
1,000,000 Satoshis giveaway - What are you doing to support the dance and music community (project) on or other platforms? Any comment counts. Max two comments per user.