#cultofcraig     ← All Tags

replied 2156d
@memo, why do you like the comments of the most pathetic #CultOfCraig shill?

Do you really believe that BCH supporters are roaches?
Those pesky anarchists! AAARRRGHHHH!

#FAUSTURD #CultOfCraig
replied 2209d
Bullshit #CultOfCraig propaganda.
Completely out of Bitcoin Stolen Valor (BSvision) #CultOfCraig #shitversion #retards

replied 2201d
This what I dislike the most in the authoritarian #CultOfCraig. You would trade decentralization for 100% centralization and corporation control willingly.
replied 2201d
Retards have been undoing his work in my opinion.

First the #CultOfCore that sabotaged BTC and recently the #CultOfCraig which attacked BCH.
1957d · Bitcoin SV
Stop listening to the fake Living Prophet who keeps lying to everyone. Screw the #CultOfCraig Bullshit and the goons that enable him. Get out of #shitversion.
I can't believe that it's possible to disconnect from reality as much as the #CultOfCraig and #CultOfCore so I must assume malicious intent and conspiracy to destroy p2p money.
replied 2169d
PSA for the sensitive #CultOfCraig members: turn off "Chain Split Protection" in the menu, then go to memo.sv.
replied 2201d
Says the #CultOfCraig zealot....
replied 1927d
Roger Ver serious needs a wake up call before he falls into the #CultOfCraig.
1937d · Crypto Wall of Shame
Matthew Zietzke, Moron BSV Shill who denies #CultOfCraig and dancing around facts presented to him.
1957d · Bitcoin SV
Listen to LightRider, get out of #shitversion! Only time I will likely ever agree with that guy. #BSVision #cultofcraig
replied 1976d
Reina is a fucking idiot. Good to see that you managed to break free from the #CultOfCraig tho. 👍
replied 2201d
Thanks for your insight, Mr #CultOfCraig shill. :)
This might have been the first sighting of a #CultOfCraig member in the wild....

Mining Profitability on BSV, only in the minds of the Craig Shills who believe the #CultOfCraig bullshit. Lie enough to drown out truth so it become true in the alternative reality that lunatics believe.
replied 2209d
You spell "lowly propaganda" in a weird way.

replied 2200d
I thought #CultofCraig was over when BCH split and the BCH devs started minding their own business?
Pastor CryptoRebel expounds the unholy false gospel of the #CultOfCraig's Living Prophet, Dr. Fakeries.

replied 2198d
The #CultOfCraig and #CultOfCore act the same. They are all liars and heavily rely on propaganda and censorship.
1957d · Bitcoin SV
Don't keep trying to weed thru the #CultOfCraig Web of Lies. Maybe it's truth, Craig meant this (insert covering for him). Get out of #shitversion before bags are shit.
1957d · Bitcoin SV
replied 2209d
Would be better if this assessment didn't come from a #CultOfCraig zealot.
Debunking FUD articles. #CultOfCraig