why are SV supporters always saying that BCH will be proof-of-stake, when noone in the community wants this and never talked about PoS at all? Jimmy is spreading propaganda there.
Your mind is living in the past. There is no mainnet in data centers. Just a separation of concerns which can be also achieved on bitcoin but with several orders less of complexity.
This what I dislike the most in the authoritarian #CultOfCraig. You would trade decentralization for 100% centralization and corporation control willingly.
Stop listening to the fake Living Prophet who keeps lying to everyone. Screw the #CultOfCraig Bullshit and the goons that enable him. Get out of #shitversion.
I can't believe that it's possible to disconnect from reality as much as the #CultOfCraig and #CultOfCore so I must assume malicious intent and conspiracy to destroy p2p money.
it was a nice idea trying to have Memo be chain agnostic but in practice it seems to have been even more disruptive how it put the supporters of different chains in the same forum while they're not feeling friendly :/
PSA for the sensitive #CultOfCraig members: turn off "Chain Split Protection" in the menu, then go to memo.sv.
Everyone can collect random punchlines from chat rooms and throw them randomly one after another. You never kept two posts on the same topic. Complete waste of time (and blockchain).
Please attack Roger Ver in the comments before he falls for the BSV Bullshit again and keeps shilling Steven Patterson and Magkill.
Roger Ver serious needs a wake up call before he falls into the #CultOfCraig.
Mining Profitability on BSV, only in the minds of the Craig Shills who believe the #CultOfCraig bullshit. Lie enough to drown out truth so it become true in the alternative reality that lunatics believe.
I am not a BSV fan, but I find the the analogy to Bcore a bit excatterated. Yes, it is clear that nChain et.al. wanted control, but I their vision is very different from core.
The #CultOfCraig and #CultOfCore act the same. They are all liars and heavily rely on propaganda and censorship.
Don't keep trying to weed thru the #CultOfCraig Web of Lies. Maybe it's truth, Craig meant this (insert covering for him). Get out of #shitversion before bags are shit.