Humans should be proud & happy about their community members showing off a healthy lifestyle because the whole society benefits from healthy participants. Yet the #ego is programmed totally the other way around #crazy
Why are there so little public toilets for free & so many restaurants denying the free toilet? Isn't it in the sense of everyone if less humans have to shit & piss on the streets? #crazy#stupidity#slavery
Hey @WestHartfordPD,
Call me #crazy but I'd like to think of myself as the #sexiest man alive today.
30-60-90-180 day ping message "you are being pinged" "you have 30 days to respond" "please act according to the highest and==&& best use of time==#money #CrAzY" #GTU GLOBAL TRADE UNIT #crypto#BTC#BCH#ETH#AVA#LOVE