250,000 Satoshis Draw - Round 21 The first 10 users to participate in #BarrioBitcoin's Active #Cashrain win 25,000 sats. the codes in X (twitter), only 30 minutes
bad results of round 21. many times the easy thing is not the right thing. I hope to maintain a solid community to help you grow with BCH. We will try to bring more users to #Cashrain#Memo
To celebrate the public release of Cashrain, we've created a Cashbox at https://cashrain.com/bitgree for the first 50 users to open it. Go ahead and get some free satoshis. 🤑
I just won a $0.11 Cashrain on https://cashrain.com from Marius Kjรฆrstad. Join Cashrain today to have a chance to win BCH! #Cashrain @Cashrain Join Cashrain
I hope we can continue interacting in the Rounds through #Cashrain it is a good way to unite the two platforms and support content creators who use #BCH
Cashrain is the best way of promoting any kind of project. I think most of us are getting aware with memocash through Cashrain....💫🥳 Am I right....? #cashrain#memocash#bitcoincash
What is #Bitcoin Cash (#BCH)? | Definition from TechTargetBitcoin Cash (#BCH) is an altcoin version of the popular #Bitcoin cryptocurrency.#Bitcoin Cash is the result of a hard fork in blockchain #Memocash#cashrain