Yesterday I went to the biggest shopping street, many people are selling #gold on the streets, I told each one of them that gold is outdated and that #bitcoins are the new gold. Communication!!!
I will get my third #bitcoin#tattoo right now paid with #DASHTEXT#DASH with a tx fee of just 4.61 #VES (4.61/165 = 0.028 cents = 0.00028 #USD) this truly is #bitcoins for everyone! #BCH min fee is way too high!
If the #BCH community would really be into #bitcoins for ideological reasons then why should they not use #DASH which has actually made much more for the real world adoption actually helping societies in Venezuela??
My dream is to build a team of young passionate humans that will promote all the food businesses accepting #bitcoins to reward them for taking part in our peaceful revolution and create a circulating #bitcoin economy.
In terms of adoption we are in a bull market all the time!! Every day there are more humans realising the power of #bitcoins#BCH#DASH#ETH#LTC These players who only care about fakemarketcap do not matter at all!
In Venezuela the cost of living is so extremely low that I can be working on my Passion to educate other humans on using #bitcoins to buy food, without having to make money to support myself.
Satoshi says we should respect all #bitcoins equally as all of them are useful to grow general adoption, in the end free markets will reveal the truth. All manipulation is destructive.
I would say it's utility. Most cryptocurrency do not have competing DApps or services to use #cryptocurrency. Whenever the average person buys it they always say now what?
It is a psychological challenge to understand the utility of #bitcoins#DASH#cryptography as even most speculators are not using encrypted email addresses...
The strategy to fight for the brand of #bitcoin is doomed but we can try to start using the term inflationary by calling all the cryptos which have limited supply #bitcoins this would lower the #BTC brand effect.
The moment you start spending #bitcoins exclusively you are spreading adoption all day long without additional efforts! That is the decentralized way #bitcoin was meant to be spread! Throw away your credit cards!
#JulianAssange truly proved the power of #bitcoins by circumventing a banking ban but still #rogerkver believes he is the real hero by making money out of selling goods with banksters fake money & buying BTC with that
#BCH maximalism is as pointless as #BTC or #DASH maximalism... Each of these #bitcoins have their use case, fullfil a purpose for their communities. Japan has more #BCH adoption, South America is ruled by #DASH
Status of most #bitcoins is defined by their coinmarketcap, therefore these ranking high on that ladder, have the most fake followers, which jump over once the train passes by. #realbitcoinclub
Most of what humans think is being dictated by privately owned media, not just the value of our money or the value of #bitcoins We are sheeps following the slave masters as long as we believe in these newspapers & TV.
Business miners realize that they would have made more profits simply buying & holding #bitcoins instead of spending it on machines, rent, electricity, import tax... + investing time
Unfakeable limited #Bitcoins like #DASH#BTC#BCH will finally bring an end to modern slavery. Banksters have been actively enslaving the population with their inflationary fake money #realbitcoinclub#bitcoinmap
#realbitcoinclub is aiming to unite the community, so we can enjoy our freedom together. #BCH#DASH#BTC#BSV#LTC are very similar #bitcoins with similar objectives. The difference is just the approach to get there!
If you think Dash is so much better, why are you using BCH?
Because I am not a fanboy & I use all the #bitcoins for their use-case... #BCH works for #BSV works for #DASH returns a solid 6,3% ROI annual savings...