Its funny that sends me a mining report for #BCH and names the file xzy-BCC.pdf #BCC is the real #BitCoinCash ticker, we should get back to the roots sooner than later! #rogerkver#bitcoincom
Gabriel, how is #bitcoincom#BCH going to tackle the task that the REST API is a decentralized service that can be taxed & licensed by governments? Do you know about the upcoming #DASH DAPI?
It appears that I was scammed off my #BSV by the #bitcoincom#rogerkver wallet or #coinex when I deposited my #BCH to I just installed electrumsv & imported my key which shows me a balance of 0...
It appears that I was scammed off my #BSV by the #bitcoincom #rogerkver wallet or #coinex when I deposited my #BCH to I just installed electrumsv & imported my key which shows me a balance of 0...
I had a private key in a cold wallet, which I imported by scanning the QR code with the #bitcoincom wallet, then I deposited the #BCH to #Coinex. Where did my #BSV get moved to?
I had personal video chats with several employees of #bitcoincom they know that #bitcoinmap is much more useful than Marco Coino, still they keep promoting just their product, censor & discredit me whenever possible
#bitcoincom is censoring all my comments on their YouTube videos, even if they serve the purpose to spread adoption... This is how #rogerkver operates his egoistic business model which is destructive to #BCH adoption.
I agree. It would be more helpful if you provided data rather than just accusations.
Facts are that I am banned from r/btc, from commenting on #bitcoincom, from the #bitcoincash discord channel, from commenting on the YT channel & #rogerkver supports that censorship.
#bitcoincom & #rogerkver are proudly presenting their latest deal with #elipay which will bring a POS with probably high fees to EU merchants in a centrally planned way. This our decentralized feeless #bitcoin#bch ?
Anyone of the #BCH#rogerkver#bitpay#bitcoincom fanboys can realise that payment for me? And then I will send you a standard transaction as reimbursement? bitcoincash:?r=
I had a private key in a cold wallet, which I imported by scanning the QR code with the #bitcoincom wallet, then I deposited the #BCH to #Coinex. Where did my #BSV get moved to?
You needed to do a split transaction first as both BCH & BSV continued to broadcast each others transactions. This is not the #bitcoincom wallets fault. All wallets worked this way.
#bitcoincash is not P2P money at all anymore, it is totally focusing on tokens & creating more businesses for #rogerkver where he can play the angel investor buying big shares of each company related to #bitcoincom
#rogerkver hi-jacked the #bitcoin brand by aquiring the domain #bitcoincom & spamming keywords out of every news article to rank as high as possible on Google, so that noobs would land on his page to believe his story
#BCH was supposedly grown out of the community, but the real community has never been supported. #bitcoincom simply kept hiring #bitcoincash noobs to do their fake promotion, listing fake merchants on marcocoino
The dirtiest attack on was an article written by the #bitcoincom news where they used black hat SEO tactics to link my URL to unrelated keywords... What a shady bullshit is that? #rogerkver
If #rogerkver & the #BCH community would really want to push adoption, then why would they not support that guy building a map to actually drive customers to their merchants? #bitcoincom is a business model
Send me some #BCH stickers & I will spread them at the merchants! #rogerkver & his team at #bitcoincom refused to send me any, as they fear competition to their marketing strategy.
I usually love what Roger is telling but this story is so personal that it is more than love, this is kinda like my story he´s telling
That is exactly what #bitcoincom is targeting for, irrational #rogerkver fanboys identifying with an illusionary story, creating a cult, not caring about the #censorship facts anymore.
If #bitcoincom#BCH would not be behind #DASH in terms of real world adoption, then why are the #rogerkver fanboys getting so angry every single time I provide facts to support that opinion? #realbitcoinclub
All the adoption work done for #DASH is also benefiting the #BCH#Bitcoincash community. I know that the #bitcoincom team uses #discoverdash to call DASH merchants to spread BCH & send sticker
Since 15 minutes I am getting the error "COULD_NOT_BROADCAST" using the #bitcoincom#rogerkver wallet... I tried to send 5-10 times, different amounts, different networks... Anyone can confirm a similar behaviour?
How easy is it to infiltrate a company with 100+ employees like #bitcoincom? How easy is it to infiltrate the Dash Core Group with 40+ employees? Both too easy! But the #DASH DAO can not be corrupted that easy.