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Its funny that bitcoin.com sends me a mining report for #BCH and names the file xzy-BCC.pdf #BCC is the real #BitCoinCash ticker, we should get back to the roots sooner than later! #rogerkver #bitcoincom
sent · 555 sats 1947d
Gabriel, how is #bitcoincom #BCH going to tackle the task that the REST API is a decentralized service that can be taxed & licensed by governments? Do you know about the upcoming #DASH DAPI?
It appears that I was scammed off my #BSV by the #bitcoincom #rogerkver wallet or #coinex when I deposited my #BCH to http://coinex.com. I just installed electrumsv & imported my key which shows me a balance of 0...
replied 1944d
I had a private key in a cold wallet, which I imported by scanning the QR code with the #bitcoincom wallet, then I deposited the #BCH to #Coinex. Where did my #BSV get moved to?
I had personal video chats with several employees of #bitcoincom they know that #bitcoinmap is much more useful than Marco Coino, still they keep promoting just their product, censor & discredit me whenever possible
#bitcoincom is censoring all my comments on their YouTube videos, even if they serve the purpose to spread adoption... This is how #rogerkver operates his egoistic business model which is destructive to #BCH adoption.
#rogerkver is a fraud, I just unsubscribed from the #bitcoincom YouTube channel as it supports #censorship to spread only their own agenda instead of general #BCH adoption #dailymemo #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
replied 1941d
Facts are that I am banned from r/btc, from commenting on #bitcoincom, from the #bitcoincash discord channel, from commenting on the YT channel & #rogerkver supports that censorship.
#bitcoincom & #rogerkver are proudly presenting their latest deal with #elipay which will bring a POS with probably high fees to EU merchants in a centrally planned way. This our decentralized feeless #bitcoin #bch ?
Anyone of the #BCH #rogerkver #bitpay #bitcoincom fanboys can realise that payment for me? And then I will send you a standard transaction as reimbursement? bitcoincash:?r=https://bitpay.com/i/Ft8tUGKKUBDY3hAvcWFfCg
replied 1974d
I like to stack low! Creating false expectations is what got us in the biggest mess in the #BCH & #DASH community. #rogerkver #bitcoincom #discoverdash #dashmerchant really fucked up
replied 1944d
You needed to do a split transaction first as both BCH & BSV continued to broadcast each others transactions. This is not the #bitcoincom wallets fault. All wallets worked this way.
#bitcoincash is not P2P money at all anymore, it is totally focusing on tokens & creating more businesses for #rogerkver where he can play the angel investor buying big shares of each company related to #bitcoincom
#rogerkver hi-jacked the #bitcoin brand by aquiring the domain #bitcoincom & spamming keywords out of every news article to rank as high as possible on Google, so that noobs would land on his page to believe his story
Isn't it strange how I was banned on the #bitcoincom news feed comment section & on the #bitcoincashers discord & twitter channel by Monica & #PaulWasensteiner for promoting a #BCH adoption map? #bitcoinmap
#BCH was supposedly grown out of the community, but the real community has never been supported. #bitcoincom simply kept hiring #bitcoincash noobs to do their fake promotion, listing fake merchants on marcocoino
The dirtiest attack on http://bitcoinmap.cash was an article written by the #bitcoincom news where they used black hat SEO tactics to link my URL to unrelated keywords... What a shady bullshit is that? #rogerkver
If #rogerkver & the #BCH community would really want to push adoption, then why would they not support that guy building a map to actually drive customers to their merchants? #bitcoincom is a business model
replied 1969d
Send me some #BCH stickers & I will spread them at the merchants! #rogerkver & his team at #bitcoincom refused to send me any, as they fear competition to their marketing strategy.
The overwhelming response to should be concerning to all of us.. How do we reverse this narrative? #BitcoinCash #BCH #bitcoincom #Bitcoin
replied 1957d
That is exactly what #bitcoincom is targeting for, irrational #rogerkver fanboys identifying with an illusionary story, creating a cult, not caring about the #censorship facts anymore.
If #bitcoincom #BCH would not be behind #DASH in terms of real world adoption, then why are the #rogerkver fanboys getting so angry every single time I provide facts to support that opinion? #realbitcoinclub
1970d · Bitcoin Cash
All the adoption work done for #DASH is also benefiting the #BCH #Bitcoincash community. I know that the #bitcoincom team uses #discoverdash to call DASH merchants to spread BCH & send sticker
Since 15 minutes I am getting the error "COULD_NOT_BROADCAST" using the #bitcoincom #rogerkver wallet... I tried to send 5-10 times, different amounts, different networks... Anyone can confirm a similar behaviour?
Once again #bitcoincom is spreading bad propaganda about #Venezuela instead of listening to both sides of the argument https://news.bitcoin.com/distrust-of-the-bolivar-prompts-venezuelans-to-seek-sound-money/
How easy is it to infiltrate a company with 100+ employees like #bitcoincom? How easy is it to infiltrate the Dash Core Group with 40+ employees? Both too easy! But the #DASH DAO can not be corrupted that easy.