#bchtomoon     ← All Tags

created poll 1611d
Do you think we should have a prize of 1K BCH to be awarded to whoever could land on the moon? If this blows up with comments on what they should put on the moon I would raise the bch.
Yes! Lets make this happen! #BCHtoMOON 1 votes · 0 satoshis
No! 0 votes · 0 satoshis


We should have a prize of 10K BCH to be awarded to a group who could land something on the moon and then come back. If this blows up with comments on what they should put on the moon I would raise the bch.
Alright, the little dip has arrives ,to give an opportunity to those who missed it. Offcourse,#BCH has been showing potential growth and it has the possible audacity to give double the profit of investment