Tenqido [Tenqido.org] To practice Tenqido, practice Judo, Qigong, Yoga or....

Joined Mar 17, 2020

Tenqido is an art. Tenqido is a religion that is not a religion. Learn about Tenqido at https://tenqido.org

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Support Taiwan
The peace of God can never be contained. A Course In Miracles: Lesson 188 🕉

Wu-Tang Clan’s RZA: ‘Hip-hop has become one-sided’.
I drink mimosas, and eat samosas with hermosas.
Heavenly Dreams!
Healing through relationships - Practical teaching from A Course in Miracles
Qigong and Aikido
May The Holy Spirit guide us to help Earth be more Heaven like today.......
replied 897d
Link again?
May The Holy Spirit guide us to help Earth be more Heaven like today.
We are STILL entitled to Miracles. Https://acim.fun
What will you do to help outlaw psychiatric coercion and psychiatric human rights abuses? We can change the laws. We can create peaceful change. We need to nurture a grassroots movement perhaps.
Maybe Heavenly dreams will become Heavenly reality?! Eventually perhaps
Takemusu. Relax completely
"Rejection is protection"
replied 923d
Is initiating Twitter linking fixed? Thanks