
Joined Mar 14, 2019

Humanist, father, Chief Product Officer at Bitcoin.com. I believe in censorship-resistant P2P electronic cash. Pro-freedom.

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set profile 1595d
Humanist, father, Chief Product Officer at Bitcoin.com. I believe in censorship-resistant P2P electronic cash. Pro-freedom.
replied 1861d
Welcome, nice to see you here.
set profile 1861d
Humanist, father, Chief Product Officer at Bitcoin.com. I believe in censorship-resistant P2P electronic cash. I am not necessarily anti-government, but I am pro-freedom.
Finished my day 5 fast. Had a superb steak lunch with ogcryptoskier and the sheman - feeling great.

Start of fast: 178.5 lb / 80.9kg
End of fast: 171 lb / 77.5kg

Compete with friends for bch w/ a multisig. It helps
Thanks for motivating me to sign up to memo.cash, @maplesyrupsucker! #dailymemo
set profile pic 1861d
set name to ogcryptoskier 1861d
set name to Dennis Jarvis 1861d
set profile 1861d
Humanist, father, Chief Product Officer @Bitcoin. I believe in censorship-resistant P2P electronic cash. I am not anti-government, but I am pro-freedom.