
Joined Jul 04, 2018

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replied 1434d
replied 1434d
I like it better. It allows me to spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
replied 1485d
replied 1486d
Hi from!
sent · 1,000 sats 1514d
What happened? Want to talk?
replied 1519d
Telegram asks for a phone number. A NoGo for many.
replied 1521d
replied 1521d
replied 1531d
What would victory mean though?
replied 1534d
cigarettes now).
replied 1534d
salary on cigarettes but on vacations doesn't mean that cigarette companies pay your vacations (no matter that the cigarette industry might shrink a tiny bit because you buy less
replied 1534d
payments, and all the BCH users get degraded security.
* Not spending them on security doesn't mean it's miners that pay for our development. The same way that not spending your
replied 1534d
minting new coins, thus devaluating all the existing coins.
* Spending them on development means less money for hashing, meaning that miners will do less work for the lowered
replied 1534d
situation, may be a better use of them.

So, what I'd like to argue is that the money for the fund will come from the BCH holders and no one else:

* The money still comes from
replied 1534d
go for development. So, the coins that are minted every block remain the same, but some amount of them don't go for security anymore. It goes for development, which, in the current
replied 1534d
devaluation of their coins, because it's been there since the Bitcoin start.


Now, about the dev fund proposal.

The proposal is that a percent of the block reward is shifted to
replied 1534d
security, we pay with newly minted coins. This coin minting increases the supply and thus devalues the previously existing coins a bit. **Holders of BCH** know about this coming
replied 1534d
network to be popular enough that it can get enough revenue from transacting users. Thus, the minting schedule.

So, let's recap. Until we have enough transaction fees to pay for
replied 1534d
money, so to be willing to spend the electricity, you will want to be paid. The end-game is security being paid off by transaction fees. For this to be applicable though, we need the
replied 1534d
* of the chain. Bootstraping security is needed, because security is achieved by mining - computers spending electricity to do work and make the chain hard to reorg. Electricity costs
replied 1534d
not be even though - it started from 50 coins per block and halves every 4 years.

This, according to Satoshi, is done to fairly distribute the coins and **to bootstrap the security*
replied 1534d
existence. This is done in a controlled fashion and a strict schedule exists: minting will continue until about the year 2140 and the total amount of coins will be 21million. It will
replied 1534d
The end-game of Bitcoin is to have a limited number of coins, meaning that no more coins be created, ever!

Right now that's not the case - every block found mints 12.5 new coins in
You can't make miners pay, they mine what's profitable
replied 1537d
You have a point