
Joined Jun 11, 2019

Voluntaryist, noob p5js programmer, supporter of the original bitcoin protocol.

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Got docked 5 pts on my credit score today. No late payments, UR was low, but for some reason it said 10% even tho i paid off everything asap No inquiries. Wouldn't tell me why. These megacorps dont deserve their power
Muh roads!
If God exists then there literally can't be free will. If one guy is in control of everything, we can't have or make choices (choices would be meaningless, wastes of time). This refutes every attempt at theodicy.
replied 1761d
As are pointed guns and enslavement, but sure
I hope that someday i can live in a free society.
replied 1762d
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee government is capitalism!
replied 1762d
US is pretty bad, not a bad comparison imo. Aoc is just closer to Hitler than trump
sent · 700 sats 1762d
If you're looking for more people to follow, I'm following quite a few figures in the BCH movement
replied 1762d
Fuck yeah
replied 1763d
replied 1763d
Sean Ryno
I know they're working on accessibility for the topics though. You can offer suggestions under topic memo suggestions, and visit their github to see what they're doing.
replied 1763d
Sean Ryno
Yeah, just topics. I've been asking for groups, but the developers have a long list of wishes to complete, and they're very active. We'll probably get private messaging first.
replied 1763d
Sean Ryno
replied 1763d
Sean Ryno
Use imgur.
sent · 1,000 sats 1763d
Im curious who you are. Don't say if you are trying to remain anonymous. But id take a hint if i know you irl
replied 1764d
Get a job dude
replied 1764d
Either you believe in objective truth or not. There is no "believing in it to an extent". That means you don't believe in it.
In order to celebrate Facebook's Libra Coin, I've decided to uninstall Facebook. Get fucked zuck.
replied 1764d
Its better than steemit, absolutely censorship-proof, fast and easy to use, kinda like twitter, on the bitcoin blockchain, easy fyi make money with, etc
replied 1764d
You can't apologize for murder. And you can't apologize on behalf of other people.

But i agree, i think your link proves "america" did apologize.
replied 1765d
Lmao so you don't believe in objective truth?
replied 1765d
Governments are socialist, not capitalist.