Kranky Kong

Joined Jan 12, 2021

Hopes and Dreams, SAVE the world.(Uthers Account)

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sent · 700 sats 686d
Kill yourself asshole
717d · The News
Russia should stop being stupid dumb bitches and launch the Nukes already, Putin and Lavrov are both cowards that are worthless.
741d · tartar
Tartar seems to be russian disinformation, this bitcoin national is also pro russian.
Naomi Brockwell is another stupid dumb bitch that spies on people here.
Gigglestick is a dumbass bitch that spies on you.
Dutch Rebel is a fucking piece of shit loser
750d · Complaint Box
Their are a bunch of spies on this website.
sent · 700 sats 753d
This guy is a fake bitch, is friends with the dumbass spies here.
sent · 700 sats 755d
Kill yourself, you fucking piece of shit
sent · 700 sats 760d
You are a fucking piece of shit, fuck off and die.
sent · 700 sats 760d
This israel guy, is a fucking stupid piece of shit, he tips all the worst people here.
sent · 700 sats 760d
Pretty sure this is another pro russian idiot, she tips the spies here a lot and reposts content from idiots on youtube that spy on people
All these idiots are gangstalking murderers.
Notice how all the people I am calling gangstalking murderers, are all friends with each other ...
762d · Alex Jones Deplatformed
Alex Jones and his crew are dumbass retards that spy on people they are not patriots, and they do not support the constitution.
762d · tartar
Tartar doesn't exist, more disinformation from BitcoinNational.
All the people I am being mean too 100% deserve it, they all spy on people.
sent · 700 sats 774d
This loser that just tipped Joel is also a dumbass spy that spies on peoples browsing history.
776d · War Machine
Bitcoin National = Dumbass Moron
776d · War
Dutch Rebel = Dumbass Moron
sent · 700 sats 779d
This loser is a gangstalking murderer, if you are friends with her, fuck you.
792d · Extra Random Stuff
796d · Censorship
This lady was cyber bullied online and then censored for posting suicidal messages, and then she killed her self
sent · 700 sats 799d
This guy is a piece of garbage
sent · 700 sats 800d

Why Parmesan Cheese Is So Expensive | Regional Eats
30,781,661 viewsNov 17, 2018
