
Joined Apr 13, 2019

Libertarian/Ancap, freedom lover, and BCH supporter

Actions 180
Following 10
Followers 12
Topics following 10
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replied 1796d
This is excellent! I’m just starting too!
Paying Rent/Bills In The United States Using Bitco…
1796d · Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Resumes Climb After Upgrade Attack is Foiled
1950d · Memo Suggestions
I think it should be possible for users to be able to filter their view, since we are now getting spam from Make it possible for users to exclude this content ...
1963d · Memo Suggestions
I think the app should have an option to enable ads, and at the end of the day you get paid a few cents, like a faucet. It'll help new users and people without access to an exchange.
1966d · Memo Suggestions
A dislike/disagree/downvote button to compliment the like/tip button.
1980d · Memo Suggestions
How long before the mute option?
2009d · Memo Suggestions
The character limit seems to have a tendency to make discussion shallow and based on cheap points. Is there a good discussion/explanation of why the limit must be this small?
2026d · Memo Suggestions
Still really want a way to make longer posts, probably by overloading self-replies. Course there are issues with people replying to posts in the middle of that chain.
2039d · Memo Suggestions
Any ETA on when we will be able to hide / mute users and topics. The spam of some individuals is making it hard to follow discussions or have any at all in certain topics...
2046d · Memo Suggestions
does this make sense? an option for new users to watch a short sponsored video ad in exchange for a tiny top-up of BCH to their memo account - enough to be able to make several posts
2046d · Memo Suggestions
I would like to see thumbnails for images on IPFS. Seems like it only works with imgur.
2048d · Memo Suggestions
We need locked conversations for invited users only. So people can have public debates, without interruptions from trolls.
2048d · Memo Suggestions
ability to tag people and a thank you reply (maybe just a button with a smiley emoji) for when someone tips you
Sk8eM dUb
2049d · Memo Suggestions
Yeah I think hashtags would be a great addition, especially as more users come on board. that was one of the big innovations of twitter(that's now broken).
2049d · Memo Suggestions
Memo badly need a search function 😠
2050d · Memo Suggestions
We should be able to mute people/topics. PlayBCH is becoming an anoyance and is certainly not going away anytime soon.
2052d · Memo Suggestions
Give users the ability to hide other users posts.
2057d · Memo Suggestions
Unique easily shareable URLs for each memo. Maybe this exists and I missed it?
1796d · memo
When re-memo
replied 1796d
1797d · r/CryptoCurrency
1796d · r/CryptoCurrency
So you can't upvote/downvote in that sub unless you're subscribed, is that normal policy?
1796d · r/CryptoCurrency
Catching up on sleep tonight. What a wild couple days. #dailymemo