
Joined Oct 16, 2019

I like cryptocurrency, stock trading, pizza, and bad jokes. Not always in that order. Shoutouts to the GRS Dev team!

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1039d · jokes
I've been researching the cure to insomnia. I can't rest until I find it.
1545d · Jokes
Why is short longer than long?
1570d · Jokes
I’m close friends with 25 letters of the alphabet, I don’t know y.
1570d · Jokes
I'm looking forward to everything being a clear as possible this year. It is 2020.
1579d · Jokes
Why should you not eat Christmas tree decorations? You don't want to catch tinsel-itis.
1582d · Jokes
How does Santa keep track of all the fireplaces he visited? He keeps a log of each one.
1583d · Jokes
Why is it so hard to find an advent calendar? Their days are numbered.
1583d · Jokes
How many presents can Santa fit in an empty sack? Only one. After one present, it is no longer empty.
1586d · Jokes
Who is the reindeer with the worst manners? Rude-olph
1587d · Jokes
Who is Santa's favourite singer? Elf-is Presley.
1588d · Jokes
What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? Claustrophobia
1594d · Jokes
Who cares f I don’t know what apocalypse means? It’s not the end of the world!
1594d · Jokes
What did Mississippi let Delaware? I don’t know, but Alaska!
1594d · Jokes
What's the best way to watch a fishing tournament? A live stream.
1595d · Jokes
Before my surgery, the anesthesiologist gave me the choice to be knocked out with drugs or a paddle. A real ether/oar scenario.
1597d · Jokes
What did one pig say to the other? Will you be my pen pal?
1598d · Jokes
What is green and cries in the corner? The Incredible Sulk
1599d · Jokes
I want to get into the world's largest library but it's overbooked.
1600d · Jokes
If I had to rate our solar system, I'd give it just one star.
1600d · Jokes
My buddy is a great chef, but when he shared his opinion of kitchen scales, I just had to weigh in.
1601d · Jokes
Some pasta is just so relaxing. I guess that's why they call it spa-ghetti.
1602d · Jokes
Did you hear the rumour about butter? Well, I won't be the one to spread it.
1602d · Jokes
Did you hear about the Circus fire? In was in tents.
1603d · Jokes
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!
1603d · Jokes
Two peanuts were walking down the street. One was a salted.