
Joined Nov 05, 2019

From Deadside

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Tonight I'm creating a shadow token which does random airdrops. You'll see a number of new accounts selling them (which definitely don't belong to me). Please buy all of them right away. I'm raising money for charity.
sent · 1,000 sats 1585d
Please visit the thread and leave some kind words for Kain. He’s having a difficult time right now and your support helps
CashScript > Solidity

Come home, Gabriel.
Perception really is everything. I thought I had friends here, that I was doing the right thing...
sent · 1,500 sats 1585d
Thanks for all the sats, you're too generous.
sent · 1,000 sats 1586d
Thanks for the monster tokens, man.
I'm going to take a break for a few and have a decent meal, ideally before smashing my computer.
sent · 1,000 sats 1586d
Still waiting to hear back, how many new SLP projects have you minted? Not trying to hide anything now, are we?
Scammer, all of your projects are based on airdrop/dividend tokens. I know who you are, I'm hoping you'll have the decency to reveal yourself and leave Memo for good.

How's life in Indonesia?
Random Air Drop is a scam project. I'll post in segments that make a salient point in the midst of formatting constraints.

Exhibit A: New Users holding RAD, all with the same join date:

sent · 1,000 sats 1586d
Screenshots and research are complete. Are you prepared?
sent · 1,000 sats 1586d
How many tokens have you created to this point?

Memo, in the way exposing self serving, predatory scammers among us, please review. There are a number of fake tokens that went up today along with users involved. You know who you are.
I’m starting to lose my patience and will start naming names if this keeps up. Memo isn’t here to help you pay your bills. Knock it off.
sent · 2,000 sats 1586d
You’ve been getting scammed left and right lately. I’m impressed with your patience for people.
Who needs sleep? Rest is for wimps.

(God, please bless me with a solid eight hours. I don’t ask for much)
I've narrowed down the scammer behind the recent influx of tokens/dividend tokens; RAD, slpcash, DROPCASH, etc..

How's life in Indonesia? You should really do a better job of covering your tracks.
sent · 5,000 sats 1587d
If you've any journalistic integrity to spare, I've come what with what appears to be another memo, token scam. Might be worth looking into..
It’s almost the 14th and I can’t help but feel somewhat betrayed and disenchanted with prior endorsements. A little hiatus from memo, the charts, crypto news and buying/selling, is in order.

See you in 2020.

Sorry, Vechain enthusiasts, human error (greed) is the reason we’re dumping.
An odd offering, but I found roughly 0.40 USD worth of litecoin in an old wallet. If anyone is hard up or would appreciate a little something, do let me know.
sent · 1,000 sats 1589d
Austin, when you take a notion to it, kindly ask around and find out who banned me from the spice group. I've no intent of rejoining, but I'd like to know what happened to merit a ban,
sent · 1,000 sats 1589d
Point of clarification: Are you reinitiating airdrops for CC, Ignis, or PCO?

I think I sent back 102 Ignis to you..
Memo: I'm cashing out my 401K today, wish me luck.