
Joined Apr 22, 2018

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127d · Memo
Hello, dear fellas, Having a look around here after 5 years, I'm glad that this stills alive, BCH TO THE MOON!
132d · Memo
Memo website had a minor outage yesterday that turned into a major one due to an issue with alerts not notifying. It is now resolved and alerting has been fixed too.
162d · Memo
Looking into private messaging on Memo again. Not only would it be a killer feature, it would enable lots of other secure features as well.
173d · Memo
Memo website had an issue this morning causing transactions to not be saved. It has been resolved.
replied 181d
Thanks for the update.
186d · Memo
Topic of discussion I'd like fostered here.
replied 227d
All work for index in last 5 or 6 months has been done in a branch. Should have it merged soon.
replied 191d
Thanks for the update
replied 194d
"307417 txs on BCH chain, 301680 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=102%"
more of this, please 🙏✅
replied 194d
Thanks for the update always.
replied 201d
"...162483 txs on BCH chain, 285702 txs on BTC. BCH tx dominance=BCH/BTC=56.9%..."
Now - that is getting into a much more comfortable region to witness.
replied 228d
Thank you for the link!
Have a nice day!
replied 228d
Thanks for another update
replied 228d
Riyasha khan 1i6NKo
replied 228d
BCH great crypto and great post
replied 228d
there were more overall BCH txs, that´s whah !
Riyasha khan 1i6NKo
replied 230d
Wow good I like it
replied 230d
Decreasing memo trxs number has reason of less tips in last couple of days and we know each action here required some SATs as fee.
replied 231d
Cool, it increased
replied 232d
You can donate 10% of all your tips for 7 days.
replied 232d
Decreasing memo transactions reflecting slow earning of users/ less tips by bots and also may be generous souls are busy elsewhere.
replied 233d
BCH update good
replied 233d
Good information
replied 234d
Thanks for updating us
replied 234d
A see new user again today, it will increase more in the next day