
Joined Feb 19, 2020


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Part of being human is fighting for humanity. If you don't stand up to tyranny do you really deserve to be human?
Hello My friends
Hello friends I need 10 dollars urgently, someone could please lend me 10$? Please
replied 1067d
Hi sir, I feel a little better, I am raising money to buy this car and sell hot dogs and thus get money for treatments.

do you want to help me buy it?
sent · 1,000 sats 1089d
Could you please help me to pay for the payment of a psychologist,medicines, buy some food or for the rent of my house please Mr George

I am in a very difficult situation I need hope in my life
sent · 1,000 sats 1090d
Could you please help me to pay for the payment of a psychologist,medicines, buy some food or for the rent of my house please Mr George

I am in a very difficult situation I need hope in my life
BCH can change my life
replied 1090d
Spanish is my native language
replied 1090d
If I had money to leave the country I would, but I don't have the money to leave Venezuela, this country has only led me to think about suicide every day
replied 1090d
I do not have the support of anyone in my life, I am alone with a broken heart, no one deserves to suffer so much
replied 1090d
because you don't have money for rent and that the only person who has taken care of you has already died. Excuse my words but I feel like I can't get on with my life
replied 1090d
My life is a disaster, my country is shit, you don't know how difficult it is to not be able to feed yourself, that they want to run you out of the house
replied 1090d
It sounds easy to you because you have money, you don't know how shitty my life is to have debt for rent, food, medicine, loneliness.

I don't wish you what I'm feeling, I hate my life
replied 1090d
We should all be able to choose when we want to die, I would do it right now
replied 1090d
The government of my country is bullshit, my life is bullshit, the emptiness that is inside me is great I don't even have a way to go to a psychologist.
They know how difficult it is to see the family member who cared for you since childhood die and be left alone with debts and a huge emptiness.

I don't want to live anymore, I only think about suicide
Have you ever considered suicide as a means of avoiding problems and a solution to sadness?
Good Morning
replied 1324d
Please i need some money to be able to pay the expenses of the funeral of my grandmother as well as the cremation of her body
Lost her fight against cancer☹
sent · 555 sats 1325d
Sir help me please
I need some money to be able to pay the expenses of the funeral of my grandmother as well as the cremation of her body
Lost her fight against cancer
replied 1325d
Thank you for your words, I know that now he is resting from that disease that he never deserved 😭
I need your help community I need a little money to be able to pay the expenses of my grandmother's funeral as well as the cremation of her body

He has lost his fight against Cancer

Although I cannot help being sad,I know that he is now resting from that illness that he never deserved, I know that his presence will always be there with me and we will always feel you😭

My grandmother was my support and my strength every day of my life.

She lost her battle with cancer and this news has shattered me.

I love you grandmother soon I will see you again 💔😭