
Joined Oct 23, 2020

Sustainable happiness depends ultimately on personal autonomy and independence.

Procreation is evil and selfish and the root of all problems.

Antinatalism is the solution to suffering.

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unfollowed 869d
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replied 1242d
Abuse porn is a very stark example of something make participants find unpleasant. Many of the women don't particularly like it (maybe some do) but many do it because they need money.
replied 1242d
Yes it can spread via air and surface etc. It spreads easily. This is why limited social interaction reduces spread of the virus.
replied 1242d
Murder laws don't eliminate all murders. Likewise, Covid measures eg masks and social distancing, don't eliminate transmission hut they do reduce transmission.
replied 1242d
My point is that measures put in place are often not perfect but not reaching perfection does not mean there is no progress.
Interesting how post-Covid both #BTC and #LTC are both going up strong. LTC fees are much lower than that of BTC so it makes sense to load up on LTC instead. #crypto
#Antinatalism is the ethical choice. Procreation is immoral as you create more beings who can both suffer and inflict suffering on others. Not having babies reduces suffering over time.
replied 1242d
That's just the way democracy works. There will be about half for one party and half for the other. The one in power has more influence over legislation which is enforced by police.
replied 1242d
When the Republicans were in power, many Democrats were not in favour of it as well. It's no different now except the other way around. It doesn't matter because you need to follow law
replied 1242d
That's pretty much what I'm saying. Sure some women may want to take advantage but you can take responsibility and avoid that or take measures to protect yourself.
replied 1249d
Can you give an example of a "forced invasive method"?
replied 1249d
We know a lot about Covid-19. It is a virus and it can be spread via droplets. Human interaction spreads it and so measures that limit human interaction would logically reduce spread.
replied 1249d
For example, laws against murder are not perfect but help to detract people from murdering others. There are still many murders that occur even though murder is illegal.
replied 1249d
You can implement a measure and the outcome you seek may not eventuate but it is reasonable to believe you have reduced harm or the probability of harm.
replied 1249d
Why would #UBI coerce? UBI can give freedom. If a young girl is poor and has to resort to abuse porn to pay rent and food, she is not free. UBI means she can say no to abuse porn.
followed 1249d
replied 1249d
A leader of a countries can implement policies that reduce the spread of the virus and potentially eliminate it. For example, wearing masks, restricting movement, social distancing.
replied 1249d
You've just thrown a whole bunch of stereotypes at me, likely in an attempt to shame me.

If there is moral nihilism and injustice in the world, why procreate and expose life to that?
sent · 600 sats 1249d
Hey! Do you want to have a chat about antinatalism? I believe that antinatalism is the solution to all problems and I am eager trying to advocate it to make the world a better place.
followed 1249d
replied 1249d
Tougher lockdown implemented early would have eliminated the virus. If it had been done, many lives would have been saved.
replied 1249d
Bioweapon? What makes you believe in that?

Regardless of where the virus came from, look at other governments eg New Zealand, Australia and Taiwan that contained Covid-19.
replied 1249d
A solution to harassment is #antinatalism ie not having children. If a child is never born, he cannot harass others nor can he be the victim of harrassment, which causes suffering.
replied 1249d
It is a fact that there is harrassment on social media? Of course.

Harrassment occurs not just on social media but in real life too.