David King

Joined Aug 24, 2019

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David King
set name to David King 1672d
David King
Bitcoincash utility.

1. Peer to peer cash.
2. Censorship resistant payments.
3. Fast and cheap transactions.
4. Tokenisation with SLP tokens.
5. Private transactions with cash shuffle.
6. Smart contract capabilities.
David King
replied 1672d
Governments will ban any crypto that isn't decentralized.
Crypto puts bankers and accountants out of work. So whatever gains traction will be fought and coopted where its possible.
David King
followed 1697d
David King
Bitcoin core abandoned the financial formula that made it successful & traded it for promoting a get rich quick scheme.
it has become a coin who's supposedly only utility is to make you rich.
Sounds like a ponzi
The #BCH #bitcoin chain now actually uses tokens in a meaningful way!! That's awesomeness. https://news.bitcoin.com/send-token-payouts-with-ease-using-bitcoin-coms-slp-dividend-calculator/