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Joined Oct 14, 2019

#cryptoenthusiast #helptogrow
Learning Crypto | Father | Rise Always | Helping Hand #RightWing
#astrologer 🇮🇳 Jai Hind 🇮🇳

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tipped 150 RKT 🚀 1643d
replied 1643d
I don't think so, I've had a few likes come through with zero Sats attached. Not sure why your likes aren't going through, sorry.
tipped 150 RKT 🚀 1643d
What if Memo does some ads and makes an AD Token airdrops it to all users then users that see the ads and have an AD token get a share of paid ad profits as a dividend in BCH. incentive to bring in more users
tipped 100 RKT 🚀 1644d
If you see a post that lifts your mood...send em some Rockets 🚀