Simon Van Gelder

Joined May 16, 2018

"For the world is hollow, and I have touched the sky."

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Simon Van Gelder
replied 11d
Simon Van Gelder
A heavenly chime sounds from afar.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 18d
Simon Van Gelder
It's immaculate shine entices passers-by from within the bushes, hinting at a world heretofore unknown.
Simon Van Gelder
... a wild MEMO (official) token appears. Do you pick it up?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 72d
Worked great up until the change (just missing profile images). Was nice not to worry about getting ping'd from a hotlinked image.
Simon Van Gelder
sent · 1,001 sats 73d
Good to see additional muscle @ the door, but Cloudflare doesn't work with browser images turned off.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 97d
+1 for transparency. -1 for slack.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 130d
Good as your word. Thanks for hosting!
Simon Van Gelder
replied 130d
Needs more gonzo ....
Simon Van Gelder
Animals don't take hostages.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 157d
That link is for "symmetric encryption", not ECDSA.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 157d
Wouldn't ECDSA encryption for another recipient require exposing your root public key (not just the hash)? Sticking it in OP_RETURN makes sense IMO.
Simon Van Gelder
AI doesn't kill people;
People with AI kill people.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 204d
Live by the tube, die by the tube. #selfHost
Simon Van Gelder
replied 336d
If I seem to be, it is done accidentally.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 342d
Keep secrets.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 383d
so soon. bye neighbor.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 385d
What would these funds ... fund?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 396d
a nice wish.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 403d
will support non-upgraded accounts indefinitely?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 410d
If only web-of-trust would be used in day-to-day. Would they know trust if it bit them?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 428d
What happened to parrotcash?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 428d
ah ... so server DB backup had key encrypted w/ previous PW, got it.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 430d
Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 430d
That's ... unsettling.
Simon Van Gelder
*Hidden* unprunable on-chain storage ... what's it worth to you?