
Joined Jan 05, 2020

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tipped 5 🍻🍺🥃 1249d
replied 1249d
Hope you consider my entry art. I made this as my phone wallpaper photo.

tipped 1 🍻🍺🥃 1434d
replied 1434d
please I was kicked by my Landlord this time of Quarantinewith i dont know where to go. i have nomore money. 2moths not paying my rent, beacuse of this me plis im cryin
tipped 10 🍻🍺🥃 1459d
replied 1460d
I am out of money, but I'll write it down so I don't forget.
listed 10 X-bloterismorph for 1,480,000 satoshis (148,000 each) CANCELLED 1466d

listed 35 SPICE for 17,500 satoshis (500 each) SOLD 1530d

sent 1 🍻🍺🥃 to 1532d
listed 1 🍻🍺🥃 for 299,999 satoshis CANCELLED 1532d