Iudex of Simias

Joined Mar 05, 2021

Words have purpose

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replied 913d
I guess the best on the ground view of what is going on, is following yemini.

Personally I don't endorse the guy entirely, but he has done some good work.
replied 913d
I guess the best on the ground view of what is going on, is following yemini.

Personally I don't endorse the guy entirely, but he has done some good work.
sent · 200,000 sats 969d
To the BCH Hangout: https://t.me/BCHadokens
replied 989d
This picture basically describes how misinformation is treated.
Even if you quote them, you're still "wrong".
replied 989d
I'll already met one like that.
replied 989d
Better call a doctor Saul!
replied 989d
Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino.
replied 995d
the same hospitals that have enough time to post dancing videos on tiktok, the same ones that continually come on the media to tell everyone how busy they're or:
replied 996d
If that's the case, then there is no real reason to vaccinate.
The media crying about it, no reason.
Politician urging us, no reason.
Big pharma selling us, no reason.
replied 998d
SilentSam has no friends. So SilentSam hates the world and wants everyone to die. SilentSam comes here to convince people into poisoning themselves and their children
replied 997d
replied 1005d
It's always sad that in these experiments, when someone doesn't follow suit, they quickly remove them instead of seeing how they would change the dynamics.
replied 1005d
He's definitely pushing the agenda line without questioning one single thing.
He is either paid or pushed to do whatever he does.
followed 1005d
replied 1005d
This is what is comes down to, the guy will spin, spin and twist and turn to push the agenda, no one wants.
It's disgusting and I've seen him do it all the time.
replied 1008d
Let it be know for the record which everyone already knows: SilentSam has no integrity has been caught wrong in everything he's said and specifically projects narcissistically
Tether only has 13 employees, making it the most valuable company on a per employee basis in the entire world.
replied 1053d
Am I understanding correctly that there are different ways on chain to go off chain, which has different costs tied to them?
replied 1053d
Kind of. Fast? Never, it usually takes 5-10 seconds or longer to send. Cheap? Usually, but all the different setup on-chain costs cut into that.
replied 1059d
replied 1053d
Is it as fast and cheap as they stated?
replied 1067d
@SILENTSAM that is the only credible source the government provides us. If you take that away then there is no source rendering it without any form of measuring the data.
replied 1082d

People who live and sail upon the oceans/seas under no statist flag.
Trade amongst themselves and offshorers according to whatever economy they can.
replied 1083d
Anarcho-Monarchism, everybody is man is a king, every woman is a queen.